👀 Now that your Listings-to-Leads account is connected to Facebook, X, and LinkedIn for Auto Posting, anytime a new listing is entered into your Listings-to-Leads account or you change the status of a listing, it will auto-post to Facebook, X and LinkedIn.
If you haven't connected your accounts please click here for that support post.
It can take up to 3-5 minutes for the listing or listing change of status to auto-post, so please wait 20 minutes or so before contacting support asking where your post is.
Add Post Templates for Your Listings
- Make sure you are in the 'Profile' section
- Click the 'Autoposting' tab (Item 2 below)
- Click the 'Listings' option.
- Click the 'Copy & Paste' green button
- Click 'Save'
Tags will show variable data like {city} is the city of the listing and so on.
If you are subscribed to Listings-To-Leads Text / /IVR service, the information for that will automatically appear in the post text and the image posted.
IMPORTANT: Any changes you make will apply to all auto-posting templates for your listings.
NOTE: You can now 'Customize for each platform' AND 'Customize for each status' by checking the appropriate boxes above the editor and editing the template!
See example posts here: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Posting Preferences
Select the posting preferences shown below as appropriate.
- Make sure you are in the 'Profile' section
- Click the 'Autoposting' tab (Item 2 below)
- Click the 'Listings' option.
- Select 'Preferences'
- You can select:
- When you want the listing to Auto Post.
- The tool you want to Auto Post (Listing Landing Page or the Single Property Website) using the dropdown 'Select Tool'
- The 'Schedule'
IMPORTANT: Auto / Push posting maximum limits are 15 listings per day per Facebook guidelines.
✅ Keep in mind:
- As soon as it auto-posts to the social media sites you selected you will get an email.
- The icons are clickable and let you quickly view, edit, boost or run an ad for the post.
- You will also see the same information and links in the 'Market Listing' list under 'Social Media Posts' (see screenshot below).
- You will be able to see ALL auto-posted listings in the 'Analytics' tab under the 'Auto Post Logs' tab (see screenshot below)
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