Profile Details
In the world of real estate, converting listings into leads is a crucial aspect of growing your business. One of the key tools in your arsenal is your Profile Details.
To know how you can modify the information that comes up in your Marketing tools please see the information below:
- Click the 'Profile' icon (left down)
- Account
- Profile Details
Profile Details
You will see their information displayed here if you are under a Broker or Lender account.
Enter your information as appropriate
- Add your First Name, Last Name, Company Title, Team Name (if needed), License Number, and Licensed state. You can add more than one License number and State by separating them with a comma.
- Confirm you have the right Company information. You can also add the address of your company.
- Select your time zone (as this will affect the countdown clocks used in Coming Soon and Open House marketing & lead generation tools and is an option on some of the landing pages)
- Change your Profile Photo; keep in mind that squared photos work best
- Save any changes.
Contact Details
Enter your email or the emails of any assistant, virtual assistant, or team member you want to receive leads or emails with links to the marketing and lead generation tools for your listings for the different statuses.
You can also enter your current information and a phone number to send you SMS lead notifications.
Add your website if you have one. -
MLS Details
Add your MLS email and MLS name; you don't have to fill out the Datafeed Participant ID since this is a specific number created for you in the feed shared with ListHub.
Please click here to learn more about your MLS email. -
You can use Canadian Marketing Tools, which allows you to activate the marketing tools for Canadian agents.
Use Open Format for Phone Numbers. Check this if the phone numbers in the area you are generating leads from use a different format than the standard American format of (555) 555-5555.
Show Realtor logo in Print Material allows you to add the logo when it is mandatory in all print material. If you do not need it, you can always uncheck this option.
Or hide the footer on your print material.
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