🎯 Set-Up From Profile
Click the 'Profile' icon (left down) ➤ Lead Gen Signature
Here you can select the template you want your 'Lead Gen Signature' to be by clicking on the 'Change Template' button.
Choose from one of the templates that we have on the left-hand side.
See how to use the new mobile, responsive Blog & Email Lead Generation Signature Tool and awesome examples of how clients use it to generate buyer and seller leads with every email they send and blog post they publish...and more!
Examples of Using it with MLS
Example Using on Mobile
Example Using with WiseAgent
Below is a quick breakdown of the information in your signature
1. Red banner at the top of Email / Blog Lead Generation Signature. You can modify it by going to the section below:
A. Call To Action
Call-To-Action Title: this is the text that populates in the red banner, you can always modify it.
Web/Landing Page URL: It links to either the Landing Page selected via the 'Web / Landing Page URL' or the landing page from your Listings-to-Leads account entered into 'Or Custom URL'.
Show the "Click for My Review" Button. This allows you to add or remove the reviews button from your signature.
2. Links on the left side of the Email / Blog Lead Generation Signature are those that are checked in the 'Lead Links' tab, to modify them you need to go directly to your Lead Links tab, for more information click here
3. The Profile photo comes from your profile. If it looks too big in your email, replace it with a smaller version (200 pixels wide). The logo is populated from the 'Appearance' section. If you need to modify it, please click here.
4. The contact information comes from the Profile Details and can be edited there. To learn more, click here.
5. The media links come from the 'Social Media Links' section. To learn how to add them, click here.
6. Footer Disclaimer
B. Disclaimer: this allows you to add any information you must have in your signature.
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