Your agent listing website shows off the current listings in your Listings-to-Leads account.
This tool can be shared on Facebook and other social media websites. It also displays your client reviews from Zillow (if set up in your Listings-to-Leads profile) and some other sections you can customize!
See an example here: http://GraniteBay.HomesSoldFast.Pro
- To access your Agent Listing Website, click the 'Listings' tab.
- Go to Other Tools.
- Select Agent Listing Website.
A. Add Custom Section: you can add your own sections containing images, videos, and more. To know how to do this please check below.
B. View: allows you to view the Agent Listing Website.
C. 'Share' automatically in the accounts connected to the 'Auto Posting' section.
D. Download the QR Code by clicking on the button with the desired format.
E. Preferences: allows you to modify the Custom URL and the Social Media Share Image.
There are different things you can control under 'Preferences' on your Agent Listing website, please see the instructions below:
- Assign a different prefix for your Custom URL.
- Copy the link to the Agent Listing Website or View the Agent Listing Website. You also have a short link for your Agent Listing Website.
- Change the Thumbnail or preview image of the Agent Listing Website
- Save allows you to save any changes made to the Image or URL.
Similar to your listings you can add sections to your Agent Listing Website.
Your sections will allow you to control the way things look on the website and they will also allow you to add extra content to it!
- You can re-arrange the order of your sections.
- If you want to remove a section just turn OFF the switch for the section.
- Edit the section content by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Remove any added sections if needed.
- To add a new section click on the Add Custom Section button.
1. Customize the Sections to meet your business needs!
2. Use this EVERYWHERE as it will generate leads.