Click the 'Listings' tab ➤ Click the 'Market Listing' icon for the listing ➤ Click on the left-hand side 'Nearby Homeowners Letter'
Watch the video to learn more, find step by step below!
See how this agent generated an extra 10 listings in 4 months using this tool! Click Here. 🏅
Update: How to combine these with FB Ads for 4 MORE Listings! Click Here. 🏅
The print flyers for nearby homeowners of your listings generate high-quality seller leads in ways that are unmatched by Facebook ads and many other methods! 🎯
- Mail them, drop them off, or door knock! It is up to you, but they work! 🏡
- You have a unique print flyer for nearby homeowners of your listings at every status that helps increase your visibility and increase your seller lead generation.
Refer to the screenshots below regarding the following points on how to use this print flyer!
1. You can print and mail the letters by connecting your Express Copy account, to know more please click here.
2. You can click on the editor and edit this letter as needed if you want
- NOTE the slider to the far right that lets you see the bottom portion of this letter.
- You can edit the content of the letter.
- Click 'Send' to send this as a PDF to yourself or anyone else! Or click on the 'Download' option to save the letter on your computer
3. You can download and print this letter 'As Is' which is what we suggest for the most part.
TIP: The more times you get these letters to nearby homeowners of your listing, the more high-quality seller leads you will generate.
You have these for all Coming Soon, Just Listed, Open House, Active, Pending, and Just Sold listings!
So try to get these to the same group of nearby homeowners at every status as often as possible!
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