Click the 'Profile' icon (left down) ➤ Preferences
Show Zillow Reviews
To automatically include your client reviews from Zillow in ALL of your listing's marketing & lead generation tools and many of the landing pages, check this and enter the email you use to log into Zillow with. See an example here in the My Reviews tab.
Use Open Format for Phone Numbers
Check this if phone numbers in the area you are generating leads from do not use the standard American format of (555) 555-5555.
Import Agent's Leads to My CRM
Mark this option if you would like to get your Agent's leads on your CRM automatically
CC Agent's Lead notification emails to My Primary Email & Alternate Emails
You can mark this option if you an to get CC on the Agent's notification on your Primary and Alternative email.
Use Office Phone in Agent's Marketing Tools?
If you turn on this option the Office phone number will show up on the Agent´s tools.
Listing Lead Capture Forms
Set the lead capture form for all of your listing's marketing and lead generation tools here. This can be overridden at the listing level as needed.
Display Time
Set the time delay for the Follow This Home form on the Single Property Websites and Virtual Tours.
Force Registration
This does not allow the viewer to bypass the Follow This Home Lead Form
Enable Facebook Registration
This uses the Facebook lead form which captures the Facebook name and email of the person clicking the lead form button.
Show 'Phone' field
This will display the form field for phone
Make the Phone Field Required
This will make the phone field required.
Click here for an in-depth review on these lead form in the FB Mastermind Group
(If you are not a member of the Facebook Mastermind group, click the 'Facebook Mastermind Group' button on your account home page to get invited!)
Property Valuation Source
Choose between displaying property valuations from Zillow or ATTOM Data.
Just Sold Lead Form
Check 'Get the Final Sales Price of This Home!' to display this lead form option along with 'Get a List of Similar Homes for Sale'
Check 'Similar Homes for Sale' to ONLY display this lead form option.
Email Listing Agent regarding $$ update (is listing Pending, Just Sold, Withdrawn or Expired)
You can add the email address that will be sending the notifications to your agents
Active Consent (GDPR)
This option will display the Active Consent footer on all of your marketing & lead generation tools that have a lead form.
Listings Details
Here you can set up the information you want to be displayed on the Listing's tools
Push Content to Active Agents