If you have content like client review videos, market or area videos, reviews on websites other than Zillow, or want to embed a landing page into the marketing tools for your listings you can do so via the 'Sections' of your Listings-to-Leads account.
- Click 'Listings'
- Select 'Settings'
- then 'Sections'
- 'Add Section'
- To create the section you need to add a 'Tab Name'
- In the 'Text Content' section, you can add different types of content, such as text, images, YouTube videos, and more.
- You can select the Listings you want to assign the section to
- You can include the section with the Virtual Tour and If you add any video you can prevent it from Autoplaying.
- You can make sure the section is added to new listings or is associated according to the status of the listing.
- Select the City or Zip Code you want to associate the section with
- Click Save
Click here to see an example of a client review video and an embedded landing page:
DO NOT put property videos or 3D tours into the 'Sections' section as these should be entered in Edit Listing for the appropriate listing (click here to learn how)
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